Archive for Blog


Hi all,

Keli Gwyn of Romance Writers on the Journey has graciously interviewed me for her popular blog about, well, romance writers on the journey. Stop by if you get a chance!


Blogger Beware: Hot Topic!

Blogging  on the Ruby Sister’s blog today! Stop by if you’re hormonal or just curious:


The 2009 Golden Heart® finalists have banded together to present a brand new blog. Launching at the same time as the opening of the RWA Golden Heart® contest registration, this blog boasts of over 50 authors bringing their expertise, thoughts, advice… and opinions to writers and readers alike. Oh, and there are chances to win fab prizes, too.Stop by and get acquainted with the Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood.


This is a workshop my local RWA chapter is hosting in November.  It has an amazing line up!!! 

2009 LERA Write From The Heart Conference

Come join LERA, Dianna Love, and Mary Buckham (with special guest Sherrilyn Kenyon) as they present their innovative, day long workshop:

From Thought To Plot

This interactive workshop will be held on Saturday, November 14th, from 8:30 to 5:00 at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center,2401 12th St. NW Albuquerque, NM, just five minutes from Old Town Albuquerque.

Book signing after the conference at Borders at ABQ Uptown (2240 Q St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110). Authors will include Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love, and Mary Buckham!

Seriously!  It’s Sherrilyn Kenyon!!! Squee!   This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. Go to for more info.

THE BIG SALE!…no, not the one at JC Penney’s.

Here are the announcements!  (Squee!)

*From Publisher’s Weekly 8/24/09 issue:

SMP Goes ‘Grave’ Digging

St. Martin’s Jennifer Enderlin landed North American rights, with a six-figure pre-empt, to a new series by Darynda Jones. Jones, an RWA Golden Heart winner, has signed to do three books about a female PI who moonlights as the angel of death. Alexandra Machinist at Linda Chester brokered the deal; the first book is called First Grave on the Right.
*And from Publishers Lunch Weekly (8/24/09)

RWA Golden Heart winner Darynda Jones’ FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT and two subsequent novels featuring a heroine who is a private investigator and has a side job as a grim reaper, to Jennifer Enderlin at St. Martin’s, in a six-figure deal, in a pre-empt, by Alexandra Machinist at Linda Chester (NA).




Hi all,

Blogging at Romance Bandits Monday about the big sale.  (No, not the one at JC Penney’s)  LOL.  Stop by if you get a chance.


Hugs and have a great week!

And since my webmaster is probably the only person on the planet who will actually read this, hugs handsome man!

Kay, I have a new infatuation with Colin Firth.  Going to watch Bridget Jones’s Diary for the seventh time this week.  Squee!




Hi all!  I’m guest blogging on fellow 2009 Golden Heart finalist’s blog on Wednesday.  Stop by if you can!


Super cyber hugs all around!
